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Alexandria finds her style

Year 9 Haileybury Pangea student, Alexandria, is a rising star in the international world of freestyle scootering.

NEWS 6 June 2024

Meet Haileybury Pangea student, Alexandria

When the COVID-19 restrictions began to bite in 2021, then 11-year-old Alexandria spent some of her free-time searching YouTube videos for inspiration. She was looking for something different to do — and that is when she came across freestyle scootering.

“I found fun videos of a kid riding a scooter and have been hooked ever since. I made Mum take me to the skate park every weekend and after school so I could learn new tricks,” says Alexandria.

Fast forward to 2024, and Alexandria is making a name in this new sport. Most recently, she competed in New Zealand and, in the future, she has her eyes set on earning a spot at the World Skate Grand Finals.

In New Zealand, Alexandria found herself facing competitors who were at least 10 years older than her, and many of them were riders she looked up to. The event required her to demonstrate her freestyle scootering skills during two 45-second runs.

“It was all pretty nerve-racking and I was quite nervous while training and getting my 45-second run ready for competition day. I landed everything first try in the 15-minute warm-up session, but when it came to actually competing my nerves got the better of me this time!” she says.

But the international experience has been valuable and, with her coaches, Alexandria is training hard to perfect her skills and tricks on two wheels. She has already landed some complex tricks and techniques.

“So far I’m the first female in Australia to land a ‘nothing front scooter flip’ and I’m one of the few women in the world to be able to front flip,” she says.

Alexandria trains and rides for about 10 to 12 hours a week, with those hours rising during competition season. Having the flexibility to train hard is the reason why she enrolled in Haileybury Pangea.

“I can train and go to skateparks while everyone else is at school,” she says.

“During COVID-19, I loved online learning and being able to learn from home. Because I live in the country, I had to wake at 5.00 am to go to school and I always felt too tired to learn. Learning through Haileybury Pangea means I can communicate quickly and easily with my teachers, get all my work done and my grades aren’t sacrificed because of my training.

“The teachers are always finding new ways to teach and provide us with the best education — they’re warm and friendly and provide me with everything I need to get my work done well and on time. Haileybury Pangea has taught me so much about how to use my time effectively. I’ve found school a breeze”
Alexandria (Year 9)

Freestyle scootering isn’t yet in the Olympics, but Alexandria believes it will become an Olympic sport within the next 10 years and her dream is to be one of the first female riders to compete at the Olympic Games and to win gold.

“Scootering is a male-dominated sport — in the whole of Australia, we only have 15 to 20 female riders under the age of 30 competing worldwide. The lack of women is a shame and I hope to inspire as many girls as I can to pick up a scooter and give it a go,” says Alexandria.

After she graduates from Haileybury Pangea, Alexandria wants to study business.

“I’ve always been a very business-minded and logical thinker and want to own a business and work for myself when I’m older. I’ve been investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum for about a year now and have seen some amazing outcomes. I’m also learning about how real estate can offer high rewards,” says Alexandria.

Alexandria’s mum, Helen, says Haileybury Pangea has enabled her daughter to continue her journey towards university while pursuing her potential in freestyle scootering.

“We love the flexibility that Alex has to train each week and to travel interstate or overseas to attend competitions. The teachers are supportive, and with all work being online, Alex can easily catch up and not fall behind”
Helen (Alexandria's Mum)

“As much as we love Alex competing, we want to ensure that she gets a solid education. We want to give Alex the best of both worlds — education and sport — so she has all the options she needs.”